Become a Member!

Become a member of WiCS to join our community, network with our ePartners, and support our mission!

Member Expectations:

  • Members shall adhere to the Code of Student Conduct as defined by NC State

  • Members shall not discriminate or harass on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, national origin, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, disability, or any other protected characteristic.

  • Members should not use the organization for any other purposes besides the organization’s intent, such as trying to sell items to other members.

Members are also strongly advised to attend at least 3 events per semester to fully take advantage of all of the opportunities that our organization provides!

Steps to Join:

  1. Click the button to the right to be added as a member and to receive a link to join our Discord Server!

  2. Fill out to the form below to join our mailing list to hear about upcoming events and opportunities.